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Research Staff

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Professor Andrew Groves

Andrew Groves is Professor of Fashion Design at the University of Westminster, and the director of the Westminster Menswear Archive, which he founded in 2016. 


In 2019, Groves co-curated Invisible Men: An Anthology from the Westminster Menswear Archive, the United Kingdom’s largest menswear exhibition to date.


He is currently the principal investigator of the AHRC-funded network project, Locating the absent shadow: exploring connections and encounters in British menswear. 

Dr Danielle Sprecher

Dr Danielle Sprecher is the curator of the Westminster Menswear Archive at the University of Westminster, London. She is a historian whose research focuses on the history of British menswear and men’s fashion, exploring the industry from design to production and final consumption.

As a curator, she has worked with several historical dress collections across the United Kingdom.


In 2019, Sprecher co-curated Invisible Men: An Anthology from the Westminster Menswear Archive.

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